When you need to file a claim with your insurance company, as for fire, water or storm damages, your insurance company will send out its own adjuster to review and document the damage in order to provide you with compensation for your losses.
However, at times, the compensation provided may not be enough.
You believe you should have received more for your claim, or you feel that the insurance company may not be working for your best interests. That’s when you need to speak with a public adjuster.
What is a Public Adjuster?
A public adjuster is an individual from an independent public adjusting company you hire to represent your side on an insurance claim.
He or she works for you rather than your insurance company.
Working with you, the public adjuster can help appraise and negotiate a claim on your behalf. In return, a public adjuster generally receives a fee as a percentage of the amount recovered.
Why Do You Need a Public Adjuster?
You may not understand the intricacies of your insurance policy or know how best to interpret it in order to receive the maximum compensation you are due for your loss.
In order to get you the most compensation allowed under your policy while speeding up your financial recovery, a public adjuster can help you,
Explain Your Policy
Review & Document the Scope of Your Damage
Negotiate Your Claim on Your Behalf
Since it is up to you to prove your loss, you may feel more comfortable using a public adjuster to verify and negotiate on your behalf, especially if you do not feel as if the insurance company has your best interests in mind.
The best scenarios for when to hire a public adjuster include:
- When you have a major loss to your home or business
- When you feel that you can’t communicate with your insurance company or the insurance company’s claims adjuster
- When you disagree with the amount of compensation due determined by the insurance company’s claim adjuster
Related: Should a Policyholder Hire a Public Insurance Adjuster for a Claim?
When to Hire a Public Adjuster
Since a public adjuster is fluent in all areas of insurance claims, you may want to contact one after you notify your insurance company of your loss but before the insurance company claims adjuster arrives to review the damages. This way, the public adjuster can review and document the scene and assist with your dealings with your insurance company from the start.
It is much easier to manage a case to ensure that it is handled fairly and quickly from the beginning rather than try to negotiate later on.
You may also want to hire a public ajuster when,
You don't what your policy covers.
You don't know how to file an insurance claim.
You don't have the time to deal with every step needed for the insurance company.
Your insurance provider is delaying your claim or not offering fair compensation.
You have extensive damage that needs to be properly processed.
Allclaims Pro Public Adjusting is Here to Help
You may be disappointed when you think your insurance company will take care of you following damages to your property and not know where to turn. That’s when you need to call Allclaims Pro Public Adjusting.
We will ensure that you, the policyholder, are compensated for everything owed to you by the insurance company for your loss and take on a lot of the burden and stress for you.
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